Max data size for plot?
(too old to reply)
2007-03-02 19:31:09 UTC
I am using octave 2.1.57 and have gnuplot 4.0 patch 0 installed on my
machine. I am attempting to plot an array that has 500K data
points. The plot shows the first 65536 data points and the rest are
missing. Is this an octave limitation or a gnuplot limitation? How
do I get around this limitation?
david bateman
2007-03-03 20:40:15 UTC
Post by pat1micom
I am using octave 2.1.57 and have gnuplot 4.0 patch 0 installed on my
machine. I am attempting to plot an array that has 500K data
points. The plot shows the first 65536 data points and the rest are
missing. Is this an octave limitation or a gnuplot limitation? How
do I get around this limitation?
I suspect its a gnuplot issue as 2.1.57 basically just saves a matrix
in a file and gives it to gnuplot to plot. Maybe a newer version of
gnuplot might help. I believe there are release candidates of 4.2
available even it hasn't already been released.. Try it and see it
that helps.. In any case upgrading from 2.1.57 that is very old might
be a good idea...


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