2006-12-04 19:41:40 UTC
I am a former Matlab user, new to octave. I was looking for regexp
capability in octave. I found my way to octave-forge:
Since I am using CYGWIN, I was able to get Cygwin's setup to install
version octave-forge 2006.03.17-1, which is the 2nd most recent
version. It does not contain regexpi, which is on the aforementioned
webpage. I'm trying to find a feature history document that shows when
functions are added, as it seems it was added some time after
octave-forge 2006.03.17-1. Is there such a list? Clicking around in
the octave-forge site
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2888 seems to
generate the message "This project has no categorized data." Thanks
for any info.
I am a former Matlab user, new to octave. I was looking for regexp
capability in octave. I found my way to octave-forge:
Since I am using CYGWIN, I was able to get Cygwin's setup to install
version octave-forge 2006.03.17-1, which is the 2nd most recent
version. It does not contain regexpi, which is on the aforementioned
webpage. I'm trying to find a feature history document that shows when
functions are added, as it seems it was added some time after
octave-forge 2006.03.17-1. Is there such a list? Clicking around in
the octave-forge site
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2888 seems to
generate the message "This project has no categorized data." Thanks
for any info.