Figuring out when functions make it into octave-forge
(too old to reply)
2006-12-04 19:41:40 UTC

I am a former Matlab user, new to octave. I was looking for regexp
capability in octave. I found my way to octave-forge:
Since I am using CYGWIN, I was able to get Cygwin's setup to install
version octave-forge 2006.03.17-1, which is the 2nd most recent
version. It does not contain regexpi, which is on the aforementioned
webpage. I'm trying to find a feature history document that shows when
functions are added, as it seems it was added some time after
octave-forge 2006.03.17-1. Is there such a list? Clicking around in
the octave-forge site
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2888 seems to
generate the message "This project has no categorized data." Thanks
for any info.

david bateman
2006-12-06 22:07:35 UTC
Post by M***@gmail.com
I am a former Matlab user, new to octave. I was looking for regexp
Since I am using CYGWIN, I was able to get Cygwin's setup to install
version octave-forge 2006.03.17-1, which is the 2nd most recent
version. It does not contain regexpi, which is on the aforementioned
webpage. I'm trying to find a feature history document that shows when
functions are added, as it seems it was added some time after
octave-forge 2006.03.17-1. Is there such a list? Clicking around in
the octave-forge site
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2888 seems to
generate the message "This project has no categorized data." Thanks
for any info.
the octave-forge version of regexp doesn't contain regexpi as you found
out. It was introduced in 2.9.6. At the moment there is no easy way to
run 2.9.x releases of octave under windows, though that is being worked
on. You might be able to get the pregexp (PERL REGEXP) function to do
what you want..

As for your problem with the octave-forge website., it appears to be

2006-12-07 16:53:23 UTC
Post by david bateman
the octave-forge version of regexp doesn't contain regexpi as you found
out. It was introduced in 2.9.6. At the moment there is no easy way to
run 2.9.x releases of octave under windows, though that is being worked
on. You might be able to get the pregexp (PERL REGEXP) function to do
what you want..
As for your problem with the octave-forge website., it appears to be
Thank you, Dave.

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