Mair flurble
2008-04-05 15:25:56 UTC
I am trying to write an octave program to process a bunch of data and
generate some graphs. However, I don't want to view the graphs
interactively, I just want to leave the code running while I do other
things. I'm finding it really annoying that octave's 'plot' command
pops up a window every time.
It seems that in earlier versions of octave, the way to achieve this
was to use gset,
alternative should be. What is the "new" way of plotting/saving graphs
without X?
I am trying to write an octave program to process a bunch of data and
generate some graphs. However, I don't want to view the graphs
interactively, I just want to leave the code running while I do other
things. I'm finding it really annoying that octave's 'plot' command
pops up a window every time.
It seems that in earlier versions of octave, the way to achieve this
was to use gset,
gset term png
gset output "savefile.png"
plot [etc]
However, now that gset is deprecated, I can't work out what thegset output "savefile.png"
plot [etc]
alternative should be. What is the "new" way of plotting/saving graphs
without X?