2008-04-28 03:37:16 UTC
OK, I downloaded GNU Octave and the MNIST software from
I've never used either MATHLAB or GNU Octave so don't have a
feal for how these things should go.
After some chugging along I got this error:
error: memory exhausted or requested size too large for range of
Octave's index type -- execution of mnistdeepauto.m failed
Where can I find the max values for Octave's various data types?
It would be nice to know if this is a memory or virtual memory or
Octave limit so I know what to do.
Also, part of MNIST has these constructs:
D = load(['test' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'-ascii');
save(['test' num2str(d) '.mat'],'D','-mat');
The documentation at: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Simple-File-I_002fO.html#Simple-File-I_002fO
says the forms should be:
load ("-text", "file.txt", "a")
save ("-text", "file.txt", "a")
Is this an Octave vs MATHLAB difference?
give the syntax as
load filename
load filename X Y Z ...
load filename -regexp expr1 expr2 ...
load -ascii filename
load -mat filename
S = load('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', ...)
then gives the example:
load('myfile.dat', '-mat')
I don't get it. It looks like MATHLAB has overloaded the function,
letting one switch the order.
Sorry to introduce myself with silly questions.
I've never used either MATHLAB or GNU Octave so don't have a
feal for how these things should go.
After some chugging along I got this error:
error: memory exhausted or requested size too large for range of
Octave's index type -- execution of mnistdeepauto.m failed
Where can I find the max values for Octave's various data types?
It would be nice to know if this is a memory or virtual memory or
Octave limit so I know what to do.
Also, part of MNIST has these constructs:
D = load(['test' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'-ascii');
save(['test' num2str(d) '.mat'],'D','-mat');
The documentation at: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Simple-File-I_002fO.html#Simple-File-I_002fO
says the forms should be:
load ("-text", "file.txt", "a")
save ("-text", "file.txt", "a")
Is this an Octave vs MATHLAB difference?
give the syntax as
load filename
load filename X Y Z ...
load filename -regexp expr1 expr2 ...
load -ascii filename
load -mat filename
S = load('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', ...)
then gives the example:
load('myfile.dat', '-mat')
I don't get it. It looks like MATHLAB has overloaded the function,
letting one switch the order.
Sorry to introduce myself with silly questions.