Warping a triangle in Octave
(too old to reply)
2009-02-14 12:38:52 UTC
How do I perform a triangle warp in octave?

I have an image and the vertices of two triangles; I should warp (morph?)
the content of the first triangle into the other (while keeping untouched
the rest of the image). Warping generic polygons would also be fine.
Francesco Potortì
2009-02-14 13:46:30 UTC
Post by Eugenio
How do I perform a triangle warp in octave?
I have an image and the vertices of two triangles; I should warp (morph?)
the content of the first triangle into the other (while keeping untouched
the rest of the image). Warping generic polygons would also be fine.
I suppose you should write an ad hoc function to do that.
2009-02-14 14:52:45 UTC
Post by Francesco Potortì
Post by Eugenio
How do I perform a triangle warp in octave?
I have an image and the vertices of two triangles; I should warp (morph?)
the content of the first triangle into the other (while keeping untouched
the rest of the image). Warping generic polygons would also be fine.
I suppose you should write an ad hoc function to do that.
I can't believe nobody already wrote it... but I couldn't find it yet :)
Michael Weitzel
2009-02-14 22:00:54 UTC
Post by Eugenio
Post by Francesco Potortì
Post by Eugenio
How do I perform a triangle warp in octave?
I have an image and the vertices of two triangles; I should warp (morph?)
the content of the first triangle into the other (while keeping untouched
the rest of the image). Warping generic polygons would also be fine.
I suppose you should write an ad hoc function to do that.
I can't believe nobody already wrote it... but I couldn't find it yet :)
Warping between triangles is just a linear transformation:

% source:
p1 = [ 0, 0 ]; p2 = [ 3, 0 ]; p3 = [ 0, 3 ];
S = [ [p1 1]' [p2 1]' [p3 1]' ];

% destination:
q1 = [ 5, 5 ]; q2 = [ 7, 0 ]; q3 = [ 10, 8 ];
D = [ [q1 1]' [q2 1]' [q3 1]' ];

% transform T*S = D, T unknown:
T = D*inv(S);

n = 10;
R = rand(3,n);
d = sum(R);
S = zeros(n,2);
D = zeros(n,2);
for k=1:n
% random point in source triangle
r = [ p1' p2' p3' ] * R(:,k)./d(k);
S(k,:) = r';
% same point in destination triangle
r = T*[r;1];
D(k,:) = r(1:2)';
hold on;
hold off;

Receipt: for a pixel in the destination triangle look for the
corresponding closest pixel in the source triangle. For better results
use some additional smooth interpolation of the pixels in the
(warping general polygons is more difficult)

HTH, cheers,
2009-02-15 19:49:21 UTC
Post by Michael Weitzel
Receipt: for a pixel in the destination triangle look for the
corresponding closest pixel in the source triangle. For better results
use some additional smooth interpolation of the pixels in the
(warping general polygons is more difficult)
HTH, cheers,
Thanks for the tip! All the existing raster warping functions work on the
whole images, but before modifying someone else's sources, I tried to
implement your tip (i.e. linear transformation with backward looking). This
is how I did it till now:

im_out = im_in

(... here I compute the "src" and "dst" triangles coordinates ...)

Transform = dst*inv(src);

for y=1:height
for x=y:width
d = Transform*[x;y;1]
sx = floor(d(1)/d(3) + 1) % rounding may lead to zero
sy = floor(d(2)/d(3) + 1) % "
im_out(x,y,:) = im_in(sx, sy, :)
printf(" row %d done\n", y)

For the moment, two simple for cycles are enough because I'm working on a
simple right triangle. However, it is too slow: it takes about 1 minute to
compute a 100px area. I just can't use it on a big triangle (and I didn't
implement any interpolation yet!).

My suspicion is that the bottleneck is the direct access to image pixels. Is
there a faster way to do the same thing?
Michael Weitzel
2009-02-16 09:11:18 UTC
Post by Eugenio
for y=1:height
for x=y:width
d = Transform*[x;y;1]
sx = floor(d(1)/d(3) + 1) % rounding may lead to zero
sy = floor(d(2)/d(3) + 1) % "
im_out(x,y,:) = im_in(sx, sy, :)
printf(" row %d done\n", y)
For the moment, two simple for cycles are enough because I'm working on a
simple right triangle. However, it is too slow: it takes about 1 minute to
compute a 100px area. I just can't use it on a big triangle (and I didn't
implement any interpolation yet!).
Ouch ... it should be about a 1000x faster. The computational effort for
the evaluation of "d" is close to zero and the line "im_out(x,y,:) =
im_in(sx,sy,:)" just copies some data.
Post by Eugenio
My suspicion is that the bottleneck is the direct access to image pixels. Is
there a faster way to do the same thing?
you're probably right. Prevent the colon operator if possible:

% colon operator looking for non-existent dims:
A=zeros(100,100); B=rand(100,100);
tic; for i=1:100,for j=1:100, A(i,j,:)=B(i,j,:); end; end; toc
Elapsed time is 10.95 seconds.

A=zeros(100,100,3); B=rand(100,100,3);
tic; for i=1:100,for j=1:100, A(i,j,:)=B(i,j,:); end; end; toc
Elapsed time is 0.32 seconds.

2009-02-16 13:04:18 UTC
Post by Michael Weitzel
Post by Eugenio
My suspicion is that the bottleneck is the direct access to image pixels.
Is there a faster way to do the same thing?
A=zeros(100,100); B=rand(100,100);
tic; for i=1:100,for j=1:100, A(i,j,:)=B(i,j,:); end; end; toc
Elapsed time is 10.95 seconds.
A=zeros(100,100,3); B=rand(100,100,3);
tic; for i=1:100,for j=1:100, A(i,j,:)=B(i,j,:); end; end; toc
Elapsed time is 0.32 seconds.
It was even simpler: I was missing the semicolon in several commands... It
tried to output lots of stuff, and that was the problem :)

Now a couple of seconds is enough the compute the whole image. Thanks!